23rd November—14th December 2017

Conjunctive Tissue

Marco Giordiano

Conjunctive Tissue is a collaborative project questioning the relationships between ownership and authorship. The exhibition takes its cue from both conjunctive words – links between one or more phrases of equal grammatical rank and tissue or organic matter that meshes and forms structure.

For one month MARCO GIORDANO invites visitors to sketch designs containing conjunctive words (for, and, nor, or, yet, so) to then be reproduced on large-scale banners using airtex fabric presented to the public at a closing event on14th December.

Artist Sue Tompkins performs ISOLA ISOLA, a newly commissioned performance work as part of the exhibition’s closing event.

Conjunctive Tissue is part of CIVIC ROOM Open and curated by Giulia Colletti with special thanks to The Modern Institute.